Wood For Our Future

Not only as the lungs of the planet, but forests also have massive potential, if managed sustainably, to become a significant source of welfare while helping to save our aged planet. However, a major shift in thinking is needed to deliberate the benefit of the forest. In this regard, the public must change their perception of wood. Although wood is the most ancient raw material, innovations in wood-based products nowadays make it compatible with future needs. For instance, wood can play a crucial role in the global movement to end plastic pollution. Subsequently, wood and its derivatives offer realistic alternatives to mineral-based materials with heavier carbon footprints. In short, wood is renewable, recyclable, climate-friendly, and a multi-purpose natural material.

However, some essential work remains to be done correctly to utilize the potential of the forest,for instance, effective communication on wood benefits and eliminating the misconception about logging. In addition, a global movement toward greener economies is needed by replacing carbon-intensive materials with wood-based products where possible. For this purpose, forests must attain a sustained ecosystem for producing sustainable wood, including providing environmental and cultural services. Lastly, the forestry stakeholders should work significantly on combating illegal wood trading.

Dr Andi Hermawan